Monday, March 10, 2008

JOB VACANCY : The World Bank


The World Bank Social Development Department manages a diverse portfolio of community development operations, analytical tasks, and policy dialogue with Government on participatory programs for poverty reduction. Staff come from a broad range of backgrounds, but all are committed to basic principles of participation in development programs. As part of its portfolio, the Social Development Department provides assistance to the Government’s national poverty program, PNPM-Mandiri, as well as associated operations and analytical work related to MDGs, justice for the poor, conflict, and gender. The World Bank is seeking committed individuals to fill the following positions:

1. Monitoring and Evaluation Program Officers (2 persons). Provide overall monitoring and evaluation guidance to programs and task teams (Short-term consultancies available as well 2 long-term positions).
2. Operations Officer for Eastern Indonesia Program. Provide operational support to community development programs in Eastern Indonesia.
3. Operations Officer for Nias. Provide operational support to community programs in Nias.
4. Field Engineer for Nias. Provide technical supervision to community program in Nias.
5. Operations Officer for Community MDG Program. Provide operational support to the pilot Community MDG Program focusing upon health and education.
6. Justice for the Poor Officer. Lead and provide overall support to the Justice for the Poor Program, both analytical and operations.

1. Conflict Specialist. Coordinate jointly the conflict and development work in Aceh
2. Conflict Program Assistant. Provide logistics, administration and procurement support to the conflict and development work in Aceh.

1. Deputy Sub-Program, Manager/Program Officer for Smallholder Agriculture Development Initiative (SADI). Provide operational and programmatic support to the SADI program (funded by AusAid) in Eastern Indonesia
2. Senior Program Assistant. Provide programmatic, administration and procurement support to the program in Eastern Indonesia

All applicants must possess the following qualifications:
1. Previous experience working on community development issues
2. Solid grasp of basic management skills, especially fiduciary systems
3. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Competence in written and spoken English and Indonesian is an advantage
4. Experience with World Bank or other International donor programs highly desirable
5. Ability to work independently, with little supervision. Must be a self-starter and pro-active problem-solver

Complete job descriptions and specific qualification requirements for each of these positions are available at our website: Only those applications that address the Selection Criteria will be accepted

Please submit your written application including cover letter, CV, and references (at least three names with full contact details) in an envelope and indicate the position code on the right top corner of the envelope. Application should be submitted no later than 24 March 2008 to: Human Resources Unit, The World bank Office Jakarta, Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Building, Tower 2, 13th Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190

Application will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses. Late submissions will not be considered and phone inquiries will not be accepted

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