Tuesday, April 1, 2008



“Cardno Acil is a leader in international development managing projects throughout the Asia-Pacific”


Is a joint initiative of the Australian and Indonesian Governments. Its key areas of focus are Expanded Equitable access to Basic Education, Improved Quality and Internal Efficiency and Strengthened Governance Mechanisms. We are seeking expression of interests from suitably qualified and experienced candidates to be based in Jakarta for the following positions:

1. Inclusive Education Data & Classification Adviser (6 months)
Experience in working on inclusive education with particular reference to developing data formats and CWD classification and extensive knowledge of physical and cognitive disability types.

2. Professional Development Adviser for Inclusive Education Institutional Networks (6 months)
Experience in working on inclusion and its support systems, preferably in basic education, Implementing activities that support inclusion and community participation in education, experience in training of teachers of disadvantage and marginalized students

3. Regional Adviser for Inclusion (6 months), 2 positions (for Sumatera & Java and Kalsel, Kalteng & Sulawesi)
Experience in training of teachers of disadvantage and marginalized students and in the development of materials and the use of participatory methods at District Level, experience in planning and implementing community training

Position 1-3 must have Min 5 years equivalent experience in special needs education / disability / other marginalized groups at the policy, strategy and operational levels in Indonesia as well as Districts context

4. PADATI Transitional Support Consultant (6 months)
Background in IT with min 5 years hands on experience in open source software for database and web application development using Linux and Windows, experience in handling large-scale national educational data and experience in managing large computer networks

5. Senior national Governance Specialist (12 months)
Post graduate degree and professional qualification in finance, economics or accounting, extensive involvement with education sector, good knowledge of MoNE and MoRA unit and leaders, excellent facilitation and networking skills.

6. FMIS Software Engineer (6 months)
Degree in computer science, with min 3 year software development experience, possess competent programming skills in clliet and server web development using SQL, Postgres, Apache and Linux operating System, and have good understanding of web development technologies

Fluency in oral and written English is a must for all positions. Detail Terms of Reference (ToR) can be obtained from our website www.mcpm-aibep.or.id To apply to these positions applicants should email a current CV to hr.dept@mcpm-aibep.or.id specifically note which area(s) of expertise they are interested in on email subject.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Closing date of application is 10 April 2008

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