Thursday, October 8, 2009

Exercise Physiologist Jobs Sample Resume Cover Letter

Exercise Physiologist Job Application Letter Sample of Interest

Nicola Legrottaglie
1324 Cheivo Ave
Albany New York, 12201

October 8th, 2009

Alessandro Del Piero
Head of Health Programs Dept
Wellpoint Import
3928 Delle Alpi Street
Albany New York, 12201

Dear Mr. Piero

I was excited to read about Exercise Physiologist job opening at Wellpoint Import.

I have BS in Exercise Science with Certification by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as a Health Fitness Instructor. I have 5 years of experience as an exercise specialist with the tasks, duties and responsibilities focusing on collaborate with nurse case managers in managing disease management health goals of members related to exercise. Make outbound telephone calls to disease management members and assist with member inbound calls. Implement the primary care physicians & exercise recommendations providing safe and effective exercise instruction and guidance. Facilitate understanding of nationally recognized Exercise and Wellness guidelines related to chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, Asthma, COPD, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arthritis and low back pain. Provide telephonic health coaching, education, assessment and support of behavioral changes to promote self-management of chronic conditions. Provide members with education materials related specifically to member & core condition.

In addition to my extensive experience, I have Experience in Exercise physiologist or fitness instructor/trainer developing exercise prescriptions for special populations (2 years of cardiac rehab, pulmonary rehab, and physical therapy experience in clinical setting), Prior experience supporting individuals with chronic health conditions. My broad background makes me an excellent candidate for Exercise Physiologist position.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you to arrange an interview.


Your Signature

Nicola Legrottaglie


1. Resume
2. Letter of recommendation

Hopefully Sample Cover Letter for Exercise Physiologist Jobs can help you achieve career.

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